Work With Me :)

Courses… Workshops… Individual and Group Empowerment Sessions…Keynote Speaker Topics

You can book a personalized consultation or group gathering to enhance your specific needs. Arlana shares her innate talents, experiences, training, and knowledge through unique and powerful tools that will help you to discover and reconnect with your true essence, to find balance and empowerment through personal transformation.

These tools will empower you and help you be more centered in your being and move forward in your life,  with confidence, clarity and joy. Each consultation is tailored to your needs, and will focus on your personal journey.

These are some of the goals you may wish to achieve:

Identify and transform non conscious patterns and limitations

Shift your frequency to resonate with your true essence

Work on all levels of energy-physical, emotional and spiritual

Create and shift on all levels – health, career, prosperity, relationships

Develop Your Individual Style

Learn to Dress With Intention and Manifest Your Dreams

Discover Your Personal Power Colors

Book your session in person or by phone. The initial consultation is at no charge.

Let’s Connect!

Personalized Intuitive Readings

From a young age I have felt very connected to Spirit, but it was’nt until I was in my 30’s that I started to learn and understand just how connected we all are.  I have been doing intuitive readings for over 30 years including; Tarot, Animal Spirit, Pendulum, Chakra energy. I have been blessed to have worked with those who have passed and to have  had a wonderful mentor who taught me how to put these skills to good use.

You can book these sessions one on one, by phone or over Zoom. You may even see me at a market or two.

Animal Communication

Animals have been my “safe” haven since I was a child. Understanding them was always easy, much easier than any connection with people. It’s a beautiful experience to connect with an animal as such a deep level. I would love to help you hear the messages from your beloved pet.

Connect with your Pet TODAY

WE Wellness Solutions

Imagine a world where frustrating behavior transforms into love and effortless understanding. We help frustrated pet parents to create a happier healthier relationship with their animal companion using observation, intuition, energy work, multi-level communication skills and intentional touch.  All based on over 30 years of study and practical experiece using energetic and holistic Auyrvedic teachings.

Check it out today and get a FREE copy of myEBook: Understanding your Pet’s behavior… Say Goodbye to Frustration and Hello to the Happy, Healthy Relationship you have always wanted with your loving Animal Companion.

Get your copy @ WE Wellness Solutions

Stay tuned… I will soon be launching my NEW book; Guardians of Love: Holistic Care for our Animal Companions

Elemental Wardrobe Wisdom

Learn about the 5 Elemental Archetypes and gain deeper insights into how to truly express yourself at an authentic level. Allowing you to better understand yourself and connect to others in a much more profound way…. all through your most personal environment…the clothes you wear. Just as Feng Shui in your home helps you to create harmony, health and wellness, being aware of your Personal Energy Signature© can help you to align yourself with your true desires in an even deeper and more powerful way.

Click HERE to take Personal Energy Assessment QUIZ

The Energy Alignment Toolkit- 12 week chakra/energy realignment

We give and give, and if we don’t put a fail safe in place, we will continue to let ourselves run down, until it gets harder and harder to recharge and get back up again. It’s time to create a template for self love, that will become a foundation we can rely on. Reset to your true balance point, feel grounded and confident as you gain access to techniques that will empower you each and every day. Discover how to realign your energy centers and lock into that place of inner peace and wellness.

Access this course on WE University

7 Key Strategies for Living your Highest Lifes Purpose - Self Love Masterclass

When facing change, there is nothing more important than finding the place inside you where you feel happy and safe. It is in this place where your creativity blossoms and your true happiness resides. Learning how to access this state of balance and bliss is key to surviving life’s challenges and with practice, these key elements can help you feel more grounded, help you deal with daily challenges and help you move more confidently on your path of personal and spiritual growth.

Not currently available. Sign up for our Newsletter to be alerted when we run this program again.

Speaker Series

Give your staff or group the insight they need, to encourage, to reward or to boost their morale and confidence. Choose from one of the topics listed above or one of the categories listed below and I will customize it to suit your needs.Choose from informational or interactive based presentations.

LUNCH N LEARN SERIES- Many of the individualized and corporate training sessions can be made into short and powerful `mini` sessions.
KEYNOTES- Customize a presentation to suit your conference or workshop needs on any of the topics listed here.

Contact Arlana to book your Free Discovery Session

It’s time to shine